Healthy Communities
of Henry County
About Us
We depend on a board of volunteer directors - leaders in our community - to guide us and keep us on mission.
Thousands of trees have taken root around Henry County.
Miles of trails have been developed.
Kids have a place to play.
Neighborhoods and parks are cleaner and safer.
All thanks to the volunteers and supporters of Healthy Communities of Henry County.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that relies on community support and partnership to carry out our mission.
President, Beverly Matthews
Vice President, Chris Williams
Treasurer, Jerry Cash
Secretary, Krystal Stanich
Jan Lockridge
Helen Steussy
Tom Williams
Krystal Stanich
Shay Bex
Christi Brock
Jerry Cash
Nancy Cook
Michelle Frazier
David Gratner
Bill Halstead
Melissa Hiday
Beverly Matthews
JoAnne McCorkle
Rex Peckinpaugh
Nan Polk
Jeff Ray
Stephen Robinson
Krystal Stanich
Helen Steussy
Tood Thalls
Greg Thompson
Louise Thompson
Chris Williams
Get involved!
​There are many ways to become involved in supporting Healthy Communities - through donation, sponsorship, volunteering and participating in our events!
​Consider becoming a member. We need donations of both time and money to carry out our mission, but most of all we need grass roots support. You can make a big difference, regardless of your means. Help us become a healthier community.